Ending a relationship can be painful, but it doesn't have to be ugly. Restructure your family with thoughtfulness and respect."


The Hill Law Firm, P.C. - Divorce Attorney - Johnson County - Overland Park

If you are experiencing the disappointment, sadness, and conflict that inevitably accompanies a divorce, and wish to proceed as amicably and efficiently as possible, contact Elizabeth Hill Divorce Attorney with The Hill Law Firm, P.C., located in Overland Park, Johnson County, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri serving the Northland cities of Kansas City. Elizabeth is committed to helping couples address the legal and financial issues of their divorce constructively by using the collaborative divorce process or mediation.

Alternative dispute resolution methods such as collaborative divorce, mediation and collaborative mediation encourage cooperation between divorcing spouses by allowing parties to be an active participant in the process. As your mediator or collaborative divorce attorney, Elizabeth’s role is to improve the decision-making process and to assist you and your spouse in reaching an agreement that you can accept and embrace as your own.

Our Divorce Attorney

Elizabeth Hill

The Hill Law Firm P.C. firms lead divorce attorney, Elizabeth Hill, believes that compassion is critical, and that belief guides both her private and professional life. As a mother of five children, three of whom were adopted from Russia through World Links International Adoption Agency, families and children are close to her heart.

In her spare time, she enjoy her first love, horses. Elizabeth have been a lover of horses since she was a young child. Elizabeth currently serves on the Board and volunteers at Changing Leads Equine Rescue, a not-for-profit corporation established to rescue abused and neglected horses and pair them with people for interactive healing. She is the Co-Founder of Mending Reins, a 501c3 establishment to provide equine assisted and facilitated therapy for veterans, first responder and others who have suffered a life trauma.


Elizabeth finds peace and connection at her barn

Missouri & Kansas Super Lawyers magazine spotlighted Attorney Elizabeth Hill for her inspiring journey from a childhood passion for horses to owning Woodson Hill Equestrian Center in Parkville, Missouri. The article highlights how Elizabeth balanced a successful legal career and family life along with her equestrian pursuits. Elizabeth’s story showcases her dedication to fostering a love of horses in her family and community, making her barn a haven of joy and connection.