Collaborative Divorce

Divorce Lawyer: Avoid The Drama With Collaborative Divorce

April 28, 2021

As a divorce lawyer, I understand that ending a relationship can be painful, but it doesn’t have to be ugly when you go through the collaborative divorce  process.  Restructuring your family doesn’t need to be a fight, and can be accomplished with thoughtfulness and respect. You can avoid the divorce drama!   Proceeding through the divorce process…

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Is Collaborative Divorce Cheaper?

March 24, 2021

Collaborative divorce may be a less expensive divorce option over traditional court litigation, however there are varying factors that need to be considered.  Choosing this divorce option is a popular alternative to a traditional divorce for many couples, as more and more couples are willing to work together to create lasting solutions for their family’s…

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Collaborative Divorce In Overland Park: How Long Does It Take?

January 27, 2021

Collaborative divorce in Overland Park can last anywhere from three to six months on average versus a traditional divorce, which can take eight to fourteen months or more.  Each divorce is just as unique as the marriage it stemmed from, and will depend on how long it takes to settle all issues, file the divorce,…

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The Hill Law Firm PC Collaborative Divorce Pros and Cons blog

Collaborative Divorce Pros and Cons in Johnson County KS

December 9, 2020

Collaborative divorce can make challenging times better for families when a marriage ends. Divorce can put an end to family hopes and dreams, in addition to adding a lot of emotional stress, costly litigation, and long, drawn-out court proceedings. Arguments over who is right and who is wrong, how to distribute marital property, who will pay…

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Divorce Attorney in Johnson County KS Collaborative Practice

November 25, 2020

Elizabeth Hill, a collaborative divorce attorney in Johnson County, is a member of Collaborative Practice Kansas City, and Collaborative Divorce Professionals of Greater Kansas City (,  which are each a network of professionals that includes collaborative divorce attorneys, financial neutrals,  and mental health professionals who have extensive training and experience in the collaborative divorce process. Each…

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Collaborative Divorce Pros and Cons In Johnson County KS

October 28, 2020

Collaborative divorce is an alternative to traditional litigation for dispute resolution in a marital breakup. In the context of divorce options, this method involves both parties and their respective collaborative lawyers agreeing to work on resolving their issues without going to court. By seeking a collaborative divorce, you may be able to reach a more…

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Collaborative Divorce and Mediation Alternatives to Litigation: Similar But Different

September 9, 2020

While collaborative divorce and mediation are similar in that you have control of all the important decisions and both involve outside professionals for help negotiating a settlement agreement, collaborative divorce can be a better choice when the divorce involves complex financial decisions or challenging issues with parenting time and you want to avoid a traditional adversarial…

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Collaborative Divorce: Is It Legally Binding?

August 12, 2020

Collaborative divorce is a results-focused, out-of-court process used to facilitate disputes between parents over child custody and support, distribution of property, and other related matters. When a couple is committed to resolving their issues in a constructive and respectable atmosphere, a collaborative divorce lawyer can help. Many people may not be aware that a collaborative…

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The Hill Law Firm collaborative divorce benefits kansas city blog

Collaborative Divorce Benefits Families in Kansas City

July 8, 2020

A collaborative divorce is often the best option for families going through a marriage breakup. Hiring an attorney who is trained in collaborative divorce can help as the parties navigate the process. A collaborative divorce attorney is a specially trained divorce attorney who helps guide discussions and develops creative solutions between you and your spouse. The…

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Collaborative Divorce vs Contested Divorce: Alternative Solutions

June 10, 2020

Collaborative divorce is often a better solution ending your marriage. Especially, when both parties are interested in active participation in the process. Getting divorced can be difficult for everyone involved, and some divorces are more difficult than others. The most challenging – and the most expensive form of divorce – is litigating in court, which…

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