Collaborative Divorce Helps Keep Families Out Of Court
Collaborative divorce is completely different from a traditional divorce, as it helps keep families out of court. Traditionally litigated divorces are often overwhelming and adversarial, but as a collaborative attorney, I have seen the good that comes from the collaborative process and know that it helps families get through the most difficult time in their lives.
Collaborative Divorce Has Many Benefits Including Keeping Your Case Out Of The Court System
In a collaborative divorce, both spouses, with the support of two collaborative attorneys, a divorce coach and a financial neutral, take the time necessary to address the issues unique to their case in order to create a lasting divorce settlement without court intervention. In this alternative dispute resolution process, spouses are given the time and space to work through their divorce issues and come up with unique solutions for their family’s future.
Just like no two couples are alike, no divorce is exactly alike. Your divorce issues may seem similar to other divorcing couples, but what works as a solution for one family may not work for yours. Collaborative divorce can help!
Spouses avoid battling experts and duplicate costs by working together to obtain information needed to make informed decisions about their future. You are able to keep the decision-making power instead of ceding that power to a judge. Having decision-making power gives couples more space and time to work through their concerns and to come up with solutions that are best for their family.
Collaborative divorce is set in a safe and structured environment, and transparency and integrity are key aspects to the process being a success. Once completed, the collaborative process helps couples to create acceptable solutions and resolution to the division of assets and debts, creating a parenting plan for children, and future financial arrangements.
If you don’t want to let the courts decide what is in your family’s best interest, then collaborative divorce might be the best option for you. If you are in Overland Park, KS and would like to speak with an experienced collaborative divorce attorney, contact me, Elizabeth Hill, today at The Hill Law Firm, P.C. to schedule a consultation, or feel free to call me at (913) 381-1500 with any questions you have regarding your divorce options.