Navigating Collaborative Divorce: A Path to Harmony and Resolution

Collaborative divorce is a gentler approach to the process of getting a legal divorce, whereas a contested divorce in front of a judge is a difficult process that usually takes over a year to complete. When you have experts at your side to guide you through the collaborative process, things can be resolved much more quickly and peacefully.

Collaborative divorce is an excellent option for anyone, but especially benefitting families with children. Young children will be able to see their parents cooperating and working together for the good of the whole family. Adult children will gain respect for you and your spouse, seeing you taking back decision-making power about your circumstances.

Collaborative Divorce Step-by-Step

Reaching amicable agreements is within your power when you have a team by your side to help. The first step is signing an agreement that proceedings will take place outside of court. All negotiations are conducted in six-way meetings between you, your collaborative divorce lawyer, your spouse, your spouse’s collaborative divorce lawyer, a divorce coach, and a financial neutral. You won’t have to go before a judge and won’t be doing it alone, either.

All meetings will take place with this team, who are there to help you and your spouse reach a mutually beneficial agreement. With the decision-making power back in your hands, the next step is finding a resolution.


Best Choice Collaborative Divorce for Johnson County

Whether you are in Overland Park, KS, Johnson County, or the Clay County and Platte  County area of the Northland, The Hill Law Firm, P.C.  is the best choice for your collaborative divorce. Elizabeth Hill is proud to help families become empowered decision-makers through the collaborative process, and The Hill Law Firm, P.C.  has served the Johnson County and Northland areas for over 35 years with a focus on family law. Call (913) 381-1500 to schedule a consultation or fill out this form on our contact page.

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