Lenexa Kansas mediation


Mediation Can Be Less Overwhelming Than Traditional Divorce

September 23, 2020

Mediation is an alternative to a traditional litigated divorce in Kansas and Missouri in which an attorney-mediator guides an open and informative dialogue between the parties as they work together to resolve their issues. With mediation, the parties are more capable of evaluating the legal, emotional, and practical aspects of their divorce calmly and without conflict.  …

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the hill law firm mediation a better option when children are involved blog

Selecting Mediation Is Important When Children Are Involved

June 24, 2020

Mediation is a form of dispute resolution in which parents discuss how their children will be cared for following a divorce. The primary goal of mediation is to come to an agreement that’s best for the children. In order for mediation to be successful, both parents must be willing to communicate in a respectful and…

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