

Divorce Mediation – Here’s What To Expect?

August 2, 2023

Are you looking into divorce mediation but not sure what to expect? The Hill Law Firm, PC  in Overland Park, KS, is here to ease your concerns and answer frequently asked questions in this week’s blog. Divorce Mediation allows clients to sit down with an experienced, neutral party, in this case, attorney/mediator,  Elizabeth Hill, and…

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Is Divorce Mediation Right For You?

June 7, 2023

Divorce Mediation is the use of a neutral third party to facilitate communications between you and your spouse so an agreed-upon settlement can be reached outside of court. While Kansas Divorce rates are among the lowest in the country, couples do need divorce options and divorce mediation may be right for your family. Elizabeth Hill approaches…

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How Does Mediation Work as a Divorce Process Option?

May 3, 2023

During Mediation, spouses work together with a neutral third party, in this case,  Elizabeth Hill, to reach agreements about dispersing of property, dividing financial assets,  creating parenting arrangements and determining support. If you are considering a divorce in Overland Park, KS, the Hill Law Firm, P.C.  is here for you. During mediation  meetings, the neutral divorce…

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Mediation Is The Best Option For A Mutually Equitable Divorce Agreement

November 27, 2019

Mediation in a divorce is about working out disputes and arriving at the best possible solutions for child support, visitation and other related matters. In mediation, a divorcing couple meets with a neutral third party to resolve their disputed issues as amicably as possible. Mediators are often lawyers who specialize in family law and are specially…

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